Can I see more detailed affiliation and publisher information in the REST API?
DataCite added support for affiliation identifiers in Metadata Schema 4.3 and publisher identifiers in Metadata Schema 4.5. By default, this information is not visible in the JSON REST API to avoid breaking changes that could cause problems with existing API integrations. Additional parameters can be added to REST API requests to include affiliation and publisher identifiers in the response. This applies to all types of requests (GET, POST, and PUT) and only affects the response body.
Affiliation identifiers
Add the URL parameter &affiliation=true
to your REST API requests to include affiliation identifiers in the response. This parameter changes the affiliation structure from a string to an array of objects. The objects will include the affiliation name, affiliationIdentifier, affiliationIdentifierScheme, and schemeUri when these are part of the DOI metadata.
"affiliation": [
"name": "United States Geological Survey",
"schemeUri": "",
"affiliationIdentifier": "",
"affiliationIdentifierScheme": "ROR"
Example requests
Display affiliation information for results of a query:
curl ""
Display affiliation information for a specific DOI:
curl ""
Search for a specific affiliation by name:
curl "*&affiliation=true"
Publisher identifiers
Add the URL parameter &publisher=true
to your REST API requests to include publisher identifiers in the response. This parameter changes the publisher structure from a string to an object. The object will include the publisher name, publisherIdentifier, publisherIdentifierScheme, schemeUri, and lang when these are part of the DOI metadata.
"name": "Dryad",
"schemeUri": "",
"publisherIdentifier": "",
"publisherIdentifierScheme": "ROR",
"lang": "en"
Example requests
Display publisher information for results of a query:
curl ""
Display publisher information for a specific DOI:
curl '"
Updated 6 months ago