Consortium Organization Dashboard
When you log in to Fabrica with a Consortium Organization account, you are presented with a dashboard where you can manage Settings, Repositories, Contacts, Prefixes, and DOIs.
The first tab displayed after logging into Fabrica is the Info tab. The charts give an overview of the total number of Repositories and the total number of DOIs created in the current year across all of the Repositories.
On the top right of the page are links to the Fabrica "About" and "Support" sections as well the account "Role", a link to the "settings and the sign out option.

The Settings tab contains the unique ID, Organization name, as well as additional information: contact information, website, country, and description.

The Contacts tab lists all of the Member contacts. The contact Name, Email, Roles and Date Created is displayed here. Click on the "Add Contact" button on the left to add new organizational contacts.
The Repositories tab lists all of the Repositories. The Repository information including the Repository ID and system email can be viewed here.
The default sorting order for Repositories is by Name. To change sorting order to sort by Date joined, click on the arrow in the dropdown box at the top of the Repository list and select Sort by Date Joined. To search for an individual Repository, enter the Repository name or the Repository ID in the search box and click Search.
To filter the Repository list by year joined, select the appropriate box on the right side of the screen. To deactivate the filter, re-click the selected box.

By clicking on the Repository name the total number of DOIs created in the current year are displayed.

The DOI prefix is used as a namespace so DOIs are globally unique without requiring global coordination for each new identifier. All DOI prefixes are numbers without any semantic meaning.
The Prefixes tab contains a list of all prefixes assigned to the Repositories under the Consortium Organization. A new prefix is automatically assigned when a new Repository is created.

The DOIs tab lists all the DOIs registered by all Repositories. By default the list is sorted by Date Updated but can be sorted by: Date Created, DOI, Alphabetically or by Relevance.
Information about the DOIs appears in the facets on the left, this can include; State, Resource Type, Year Created, Year Registered (in the global handle system), Repository, Affiliation, Prefix, Repository Certificate, Schema Version, Source and Link Check Status. The search form can be used to find an individual DOI.

Export DOI Metadata
On the left of the DOIs tab is the Export DOI Metadata button. Click here to export a CSV file containing the basic metadata of the DOIs in the list.
Only the 25 records on the current page view will be exported. To export more records you need to scroll through to the next page.
Would you like to know more?
If you have any questions, requests or ideas please contact your Consortium Lead.
Updated 11 months ago