Create a DOI via Form
The Create DOI button appears on the left hand side of all of the tabs on the Repository dashboard. Click the Create DOI button to go directly to the Form or hover over the Create DOI button and click DOI Form to register a new DOI using the Form.

The DOI name appears at the top of the page. The suffix is automatically generated (this is the recommended option, but it can be edited). Select the state and then enter the metadata. Draft state does not require metadata, only the identifier and the state (selected as Draft). Registered and Findable DOIs need to have all the required metadata fields. The fields in the Form correspond to the DataCite Metadata Schema.
For help on filling in each field, please see Field Descriptions for Form
For more information on creating DOIs in Fabrica watch this short how-to video

Once you've filled in the appropriate fields, click the Create DOI button at the bottom of the page. Your DOI will be saved in Fabrica, and the record page for the DOI will be displayed.
When will the DOIs I created show up in DataCite Commons?
DOIs will be indexed into DataCite Commons, within 15 minutes after being created in DOI Fabrica.
Would you like to know more?
If you have any questions, requests or ideas please contact us!
Updated over 1 year ago