DataCite Data File Use Policy
To the extent possible under law, DataCite e.V. has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to DataCite Data File. The DataCite Data File includes all DOIs and deposited metadata in our database. CC0 enables scientists, educators, artists and other creators and owners of copyright- or database-protected content- to waive those interests in their works and thereby place them as completely as possible in the public domain, so that others may freely build upon, enhance and reuse the works for any purposes without restriction under copyright or database law.
Consistent with a CC0 waiver, the DataCite Data File is free for use, but it is also free of any warranties or guarantees that might come with a commercial license. DataCite accepts no liability for your use of any data in the Public Data File. For more details, please see the terms of the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal public domain dedication. This means that DataCite makes no copyright, related or neighboring rights claims to the aggregated data. Consistent with this broad waiver, DataCite does not impose any conditions on access to and use of the DataCite Data File. However, we remind you that DataCite can only waive rights that it owns; therefore, (i) the waiver does not apply to resources that are listed by links in the DataCite Data File, for example, datasets, and (ii) the underlying data elements remain subject to any rights of the individuals featured, including rights of privacy and publicity. In respect of those individuals and in order to maximize the usefulness of this resource for the entire research and scholarly communications community, we request that you follow these community norms in using the DataCite Data File.
- Please give attribution to DataCite as the source of the DataCite Data File.
- Do not modify any data so as to make it false, incomplete, defamatory, or misleading.
- We are very interested in hearing about ways in which people are making use of the DataCite Data
File. Please contact us if you are willing to share your experiences.
The DataCite Data File is available via the DataCite APIs and we expect to make an annual Data File available for download in the next year.
Please note that the CC0 waiver does not apply to use of the DataCite e.V. name, and other DataCite marks and logos.
Updated over 1 year ago