DataCite Profiles
User Documentation
Access the DataCite Profiles web interface here:
What is DataCite Profiles?
DataCite Profiles provides a single sign-on for DataCite's integration with ORCID.
Who can use DataCite Profiles?
Researchers can connect their ORCID profiles and automatically update their ORCID record when their ORCID iD is included in the metadata of a newly registered DOI.
Sign in with Globus
On top right of the Profiles page, you will find a "Sign In" button. You can only interact with Profiles if you have signed in.
Globus is a non-profit organization based at the University of Chicago. They are a DataCite Member and provide authentication services for DataCite. Globus allows login via an institutional account, Google or ORCID.
Click on the "Sign in with Globus" button, and then pick your login option in the next screen:
In the initial account signup, you will be asked to link to an ORCID account.
Once you have signed in, you can manage your profile from the top right of the page. There you can access your Settings, link out directly to DataCite Commons, click through to your ORCID record, or sign out.

The Settings page provides an overview of your Profiles account, including your ORCID iD, Name, Other Names, Organization, Email, a link to your GitHub, whether the Auto-update is enabled, role, ORCID Permissions (i.e. if your ORCID token is enabled), a summary of your ORCID claims, and your GitHub permissions.

To automatically send updates from DataCite to your ORCID record, you need to obtain permissions from ORCID in the form of a token using the button on the Settings page. Click "Get ORCID Token" to enable this.

Click on the "Update" button in the lower right corner to open your Profiles account settings:

If the "Auto-update is enabled" box is checked, ORCID Auto-Update is enabled for your account. Click "Save" to save changes to your settings.
In the next section, we will look in more detail at the DataCite/ORCID integration and explore the two ways you can link the DOIs for your works to your ORCID profile.
Would you like to know more?
If you have any questions, requests or ideas please contact us!
Updated about 1 year ago