Data management plans (DMPs) are documents accompanying research proposals and project outputs. DMPs are created as textual narratives and describe the data and tools employed in scientific investigations. Machine Actionable DMPs (maDMPs) take the DMP concept further by using PIDs and PIDs services to connect all resources associated with a DMP.
The goal of a machine-actionable DMP is to facilitate a research data management (RDM) system that allows data and information about research to be communicated and shared across stakeholders, linking metadata, repositories, and institutions.
The NSF funded Eager grant “DMP Roadmap: Making Data Management Plans Actionable” aimed to explore the potential of machine-actionable DMPs as a means to transform the DMP into a key component of networked research data management. As part of this grant DataCite partnered with the California Digital Library (via the DMPTool) to develop, refine, and test the use of PIDS for and in DMPs and to expand DataCite’s metadata schema to support DMPs.
Click the links below to discover more about DMP IDs:
DataCite DMP IDs
DMP IDs in the PID Graph
CDL’s DMPTool: An implementation use case
A crosswalk of the DataCite schema to RDA metadata standard for DMPs
Updated 12 months ago