How can I map different metadata formats to the DataCite schema?
Supported formats
You can send metadata to DataCite in any of the following formats and it will be converted and validated against the DataCite XML schema. The DataCite Metadata Schema website provides detailed descriptions of all fields in the XML schema and examples.
Full metadata
- DataCite XML
- DataCite JSON API
- Codemeta JSON
- BibTeX
- Citeproc JSON
Citation metadata crosswalk
The required fields for citation.
DataCite XML | | RIS | BibTex | Code meta | JSON API response | Citeproc JSON | Jats XML |
identifier | @id | DO | @misc | @id | id | Id | pub-id |
title | name | T1 | title | name | titles | title | source |
creator | author | AU | author | author | creators | author | person-group |
publisher | publisher | PB | publisher | publisher | publisher | publisher | publisher-name |
publicationYear | datePublished | PY | year | datePublished | publicationYear | issued | year |
version | version | version | version | version | version | ||
resourceTypeGeneral | @type | TY | types | types | types | type | publication-type |
Discovery metadata crosswalk
The most important fields for describing the resource.
DataCite XML | | RIS | BibTex | Code meta | JSON API response | Citeproc JSON | Jats XML |
description | description | AB | description | descriptions | abstract | ||
subject | keywords | KW | keywords | subjects | categories | ||
rights | license | SN | copyright | license | rights | ||
relatedIdentifier | isPartOf citation | SN | relatedLink | relatedIdentifiers |
DataCite JSON
The DataCite REST API supports JSON-formatted DataCite metadata for creating and updating DOI metadata.
- Example payloads to create a DOI:
DataCite JSON is a supported format for retrieving DataCite metadata via content negotiation, DataCite Commons, and other sources.
- Example response when retrieving a DOI:
Dublin Core
The DataCite Metadata Working Group has created a DataCite to Dublin Core Mapping.
The Research Data Alliance Research Metadata Schemas Working Group has put together a prototype service for the research data management community in support of managers who are investigating options for including markup into existing well formed metadata.
This publication from Scientific Data a data citation roadmap for scholarly data repositories is a practical roadmap for scholarly data repositories to implement data citation in accordance with the Joint Declaration of Data Citation Principles.
The full Crosswalk of CodeMeta metadata.
DataCite's Bolognese Github repository for metadata conversions for conversion of DOI metadata from and to different metadata formats, including
Updated 4 months ago