How are IGSN IDs registered under the partnership? DataCite provides IGSN ID registration services using either the Fabrica user interface or one of the APIs. See Registering IGSN IDs. Details of the best practices for IGSN registration have been established through the IGSN Partnership Steering Group in coordination with the community. IGSN IDs are functionally DataCite DOIs.
What tools and APIs can be used to register IGSN IDs? Existing DataCite tools and APIs can be used to register DOIs. See Registering IGSN IDs.
I am an existing DataCite member, am I be able to register IGSN IDs? Yes, IGSN ID registration is available through the existing DOI registration services provided by DataCite. See Registering IGSN IDs.
Will IGSN IDs registered with IGSN's legacy registration services always resolve? DataCite will take over hosting the legacy IGSN handle server and alias handles to DOIs. This is only for previously registered IGSNs. New registrations should use DataCite services and the DOI infrastructure. The transition will be planned in phases and close coordination with the IGSN Allocating Agents. Legacy IGSN IDs will always resolve.
Is there documentation available? See Registering IGSN IDs for documentation about registering IGSN IDs with DataCite. See About IGSN IDs for Material Samples to learn more about IGSN IDs and the partnership between the IGSN e.V. and DataCite. IGSN Allocating Agents have received separate transition documentation to support their transition to DataCite services.
Who can I contact should I have support or more questions? General questions about the partnership can be directed to [email protected] and these will be shared with the Partnership Steering Group. Questions about registering IGSN IDs with DataCite and integrating IGSN IDs into material samples workflows can be directed to [email protected]. Questions about transitioning from legacy IGSN registration services can also be directed to [email protected].
I am not a DataCite Member but I am interested in registering IGSN IDs. How do I become a Member? For more information on DataCite membership, please visit our Member page.
How does the sample metadata map to the DataCite schema? DataCite has experience with samples, having supported registration of over 1.3 million PhysicalObject identifiers by its members. To this will be added 10 million IGSN IDs. For more information about IGSN ID metadata in the DataCite Metadata Schema, see IGSN ID Metadata. This guidance was developed by the IGSN–DataCite Crosswalk and Metadata Management Working Group
How will DataCite Members be charged for registering new IGSN IDs? New IGSN IDs registered with DataCite will be charged according to DataCite's existing fee model for DOIs. Registering one IGSN ID is equivalent to registering one DOI.
Will current IGSN Allocating Agents be charged by DataCite for re-registering legacy IGSN IDs in DataCite systems? No, DataCite Members will not be charged when re-registering legacy IGSNs with DataCite.
Updated over 1 year ago