Is there a rate limit for making requests against the DataCite APIs?
Rate limits
There is a top level hard limit imposed by DataCite's firewall of 3000 requests in a 5 minute window, based on IP address. There is also an upper limit for requests that come via Content Negotiation of 1000 requests in a 5 minute window.
When placing requests to the test system, please do not exceed 750 requests per 5 minute window. See the Test Accounts Policy for more information.
Sustained request rates
For large-scale DOI registrations and updates (around 100,000+ POST or PUT requests to the /dois
endpoint in a single day), we recommend 300-500 requests in a 5 minute window.
If you are planning a large number of DOI registrations or updates, please contact [email protected] for assistance.
It is helpful to ensure that your script has incremental backoffs in the case of failure (i.e., the delay in retrying a failed request gets longer each time).
Updated 4 months ago