What formats can I use to submit my metadata and how do I do it?
Which metadata field in the DataCite schema captures the grant ID information?
What is the difference between the Publisher and the Contributor in the DataCite Metadata Schema?
How do I ORCID IDs to the DataCite metadata?
Where should I include funder information in the DOI metadata?
How can I map different metadata formats to the DataCite schema?
What are the resource types for DataCite DOIs?
How can I check my XML metadata validates correctly?
Can the properties in the DataCite metadata schema specify the language of the metadata?
Should I update the DataCite DOI metadata if the name of the creator changes?
What organization identifier should I use for affiliations?
What is the recommended format for including nameIdentifiers in the DataCite metadata?
When should I use the standard value etal when entering "Creator" metadata
How can I see the distribution of DOI records by the Work Type (resourceTypeGeneral)?
Preprints, post-prints and author manuscripts
Can I register a DOI for an instrument?
Can I register DOIs for Awards?
Updated 3 months ago