What is pagination?
Pagination is a mechanism to split API query results into discrete subsections, or pages. This offers an efficient way to handle moving through a large result set of data.
The default page size is 25 records. If the list of records in a response is longer than 25, a subset (page) of the whole response is returned. Page size can be changed using the page[size]
query parameter (allowed values in range 0-1000).
There are two methods to retrieve multi-page responses: page number-based pagination and cursor-based pagination.
Method 1: Page number (up to 10,000 records)
Paginate using the page[number]
query parameter, starting with 1. This is the default if no page[number]
or page[cursor]
is specified. You can retrieve up to 10,000 records (400 pages with the default of 25 records per page) using this method. The sort order can be specified using the sort query parameter.
This example query retrieves the first 1,000 records:
curl "[size]=1000"
To retrieve subsequent records, increment the page number using the page[number] parameter:
curl "[size]=1000&page[number]=2"
The query for the next page is also provided in the "" URL in the response:
"links": {
The "meta" object in the response includes:
"meta": {
Only the first 10,000 records (10 x 1000 per page) can be retrieved.
Method 2: Cursor
Cursor-based pagination has no limitations on the number of records that can be retrieved.
Paginate using the page[cursor]
query parameter. Use page[cursor]=1
to retrieve the first page.
This example query retrieves the first 1,000 records (the sort order is always created ascending):
curl "[cursor]=1&page[size]=1000"
To retrieve subsequent records, use the returned "" URL in the response for the next page:
"links": {
This URL includes a token that must be used to retrieve subsequent pages. Do not increment the page[cursor]
parameter manually.
The "meta" object in the response includes:
"meta": {
"total": 36409,
"totalPages": 37,
All records (37 x 1000 per page) can be retrieved.
Updated 6 months ago