Repository Settings

To update the settings click on "Update Repository" in the settings tab when logged in with a Repository account.

You can update all of the fields apart from the repository ID.

Repository ID

The Repository ID is a unique identifier for each Repository. It must contain uppercase letters or numbers. The first part of the ID corresponds to the MEMBER ID or CONSORTIUM ORGANIZATION ID.

Note: The Repository ID can't be modified.


Example of Repository ID

Member ID = VFRU
Repository = ZZSX19


The Type field refers to the platform where the content will be shared and is automatically designated as "Repository".

  • Select "Periodical" from the drop-down menu if the DOIs registered will be assigned to publications and journals.
  • Select "IGSN ID Catalog" from the drop-down menu if the the DOIs registered will be IGSN IDs assigned to material samples and features-of-interest.
  • Select “RAiD Registry” only if you are a RAiD Registration Agency (RA) and will be registering DOIs with the RAiD Service. Read more about RAiD.


Repositories with an IGSN ID Catalog Type cannot change Types after creation. Repositories with a Repository or Periodical Type cannot change to the IGSN ID Catalog Type after creation.

re3data Record

Link to the corresponding record in the re3data registry of research data repositories. This field is optional.


Link to your re3data record

Linking the re3data identifier automatically displays a number of fields from re3data without needing to store that information a second time in Fabrica. In the case of disciplinary repositories, the Repository Discipline field will be automatically populated.


Only re3data repositories with an "open" or "restricted" data upload type are available to select.

Repository Name

Full name of the Repository. This is typically the name of the organization, as the organization wants it displayed. For example, "Archaeology Data Service".

An Alternate Repository Name can be included if appropriate.

System Email

This email address receives reset password requests.

Service Contact

This is the name of the person responsible for the account. This person is considered to be the primary contact for any necessary DataCite or system communications.


Add an optional description of the repository here.


The homepage of the repository.


Select the language of the repository from the dropdown list.


Select the software used by the Repository from the dropdown list.


Define which domains or subdomains can be used for DOI URLs in the repository. The default setting for this field is that a DOI can point to any URL. This is indicated by single asterisk * in the domain settings.

To limit the list of domains that can be used to register URLs for a DOI, enter one or more domains or subdomains, separated by a comma. You can use an asterisk to allow any subdomain, e.g. "*". Make sure you are entering only the hostname, not a full URL starting with "http" or "https". Also keep in mind the "www" is a subdomain.

Refer to the table below to see how a repository's domain settings determine which domains are allowed in the repository's DOI URLs:

Domains Setting in FabricaDescriptionAllowed DomainsProhibited Domains
*Allow all domainsAll domainsN/A
*.datacite.orgOnly allow URLs with subdomains of
www.datacite.orgOnly allow URLs with domain and subdomain
datacite.orgOnly allow URLs with domain and do not allow subdomains of
*,datacite.orgAllow URLs with domain and any subdomain of

The URL field in the Fabrica (both in the Form and File Upload view) will turn green when a valid URL is entered:



If you find the URL field is not accepting the URL, try adjusting the domain filter to allow both the domain and any subdomain:

Repository type

Add the type of Repository (e.g. Institutional, Disciplinary).

Repository Discipline

This will only appear if the Repository Type "Disciplinary" has been selected. Add the discipline of the repository using the look-up from the OECD Fields of Science.


The Repository Discipline field

The Repository Discipline field is used to enrich DOI metadata. This does not modify DOI metadata but is used to enhance search queries, so if the Repository Discipline is Biology, DOIs registered by the repository will be captured by queries for the subject "Biology" in the Graph QL API and DataCite Commons. This feature is only for disciplinary repositories


The certificate held by the Repository e.g CoreTrustSeal. More information about certificates can be found here: RDA/WDS Certification of Digital Repositories IG


Would you like to know more?

If you have any questions, requests or ideas please contact us!