JUMP TOREST APIREST APIactivitiesGet a JSON API result of activities.getGet a JSON API result of a specific activity.getclient-prefixesReturn a list of client-prefixes.getclientsReturn a list of clients (repositories).getReturn clients DOI production statistics.getReturn a client.getdoisReturn a list of DOIs.getAdd a new DOI.postReturn a DOI.getUpdate a DOI.putDelete a DOI (for DOIs in draft state only).deleteReturn activities for a specific DOI.geteventsReturn a list of events.getReturn an event.getheartbeatReturn the current status of the REST API.getprefixesReturn a list of prefixes.getReturn prefixes DOI production statistics.getReturn a prefix.getprovider-prefixesReturn a list of provider-prefixes.getprovidersReturn a list of providers (including members and consortium organizations).getReturn providers DOI production statistics.getReturn a provider.getreportsA JSON array of reports.getAdd a new report.postReturn a report.getUpdate a report.putDelete a report.deleteMDS APIMDS API/doisGet URL for DOIgetList all DOIsgetCreate DOIputDelete DOIdelete/metadataGet Metadata for DOIgetCreate Metadata for DOIputDelete Metadata for DOIdelete/mediaGet Media for DOIgetCreate Media for DOIpostDelete Media for DOIdeleteGraphQL APIDataCite GraphQL APIPowered by Delete Media for DOIdelete https://mds.test.datacite.org/doi/{doi}/media/{id}DELETE will delete media type/URLs pair for a DOI.