Accessibility Achievements
The Accessibility Achievements in DataCite Commons provide information about the openness of a researcher’s works based on the license information in the DOI metadata. The Accessibility Achievements appear in the researcher profile in DataCite Commons.

The DOIs are linked to the profiles based on the ORCID of the researcher.
Each achievement has a badge. The badges are allocated based on the information held in the metadata shared by the repository where the researcher's content is deposited. The license information is contained in property 16 "rights" of the DataCite Metadata Schema:
<rights xml:lang="en-US" schemeURI="" rightsIdentifierScheme="SPDX" rightsIdentifier="CC0 1.0" rightsURI="" />
There are four badges that can be awarded:
Open Hero Badge

n% of the researcher's associated DOIs have metadata with rights as CC-BY, CC0, or public domain license.
At least one of the researcher's associated DOIs have metadata with rights CC-BY-*, CC0, or public domain license and the percentage of their DOIs with these licenses. See (full list of licenses).
Open License Badge

Every single one of your publications is free to access online. Open access helps real people, and that's pretty heroic.
Every single one of the researcher’s associated DOIs have metadata with rights CC-BY-*, CC0, or public domain license (full list of licenses).
Open Access Badge

n% of your research is free to read online.
At least one of the researcher's associated DOIs have metadata with contentUrl. This is sent via the DataCite REST API
Open Science Triathlete Badge

Congratulations, you hit the trifecta. You have an Open Access paper, open dataset, and open source software.
All of the researcher's associated DOIs have metadata with rights information that has at least; One Open Access paper (text or JournalArticle), one open dataset (dataset), and one open source software (software).
Full list of licenses:
To see how the results are generated query the Graph QL API for all DOIs with a certain license:
person(id: "") {
works {
Updated 12 months ago