How can I make my DOI list query more efficient when using the REST API?

You may be able to improve the efficiency and response time of your REST API DOI list query by using the methods below.

Use the disable-facets=true URL parameter

The meta attribute returned in a DOI list response contains aggregated information about the DOIs in the list. These fields include states, resourceTypes, and more. If you do not need these fields, you can disable them to help improve the efficiency of your query by setting the URL parameter disable-facets=true . For example:

The following meta fields will still be returned when disable-facets=true: total, totalPages, and page.

Filter lists using filter parameters instead of the query parameter

DOI lists can be filtered using filter parameters and searched using the query parameter. You may be able to improve the efficiency of your request by using supported filter parameters rather than queries in the query parameter where possible. For example, instead of using the query parameter query=prefix:10.48321 to find all DOIs with the prefix 10.48321:

Use the prefix filter parameter prefix=10.48321: