Can a prefix be transferred from one DOI Registration Agency to another?

It is possible to transfer a prefix from one DOI Registration Agency (RA) to another. For example, a prefix can be transferred from Crossref to DataCite, or from DataCite to Crossref.

Below is some information about how to transfer a prefix from one Registration Agency to another:

  • To trigger a transfer, send a request to the Registration Agency to where the prefix is to be transferred. So to transfer a prefix from DataCite to Crossref, contact Crossref directly with the request and they will coordinate the transfer.

  • DataCite Members and Consortium Leads wishing to transfer a prefix from DataCite to a different RA will be asked to sign a form to confirm that they approve the transfer request.

  • All the existing DOIs will need to be re-registered with the new Registration Agency. If there are 100 DOIs registered with DataCite, then they will need to be re-registered in Crossref with Crossref metadata.

  • If the prefix is shared or belongs to a generalist repository then it cannot be transferred to a different Registration Agency.

Please see the full prefix transfer policy and documentation for more information.

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