Can I register a DOI for an instrument?
As of DataCite Metadata Schema 4.5, “Instrument” is included in the resourceTypeGeneral controlled list values. An instrument is defined as “A device, tool or apparatus used to obtain, measure and/or analyze data”.
The value is part of property 10.a resourceTypeGeneral, and can also be used in other places where resourceTypeGeneral is used (e.g., as part of the relatedIdentifiers metadata in property 12.f resourceTypeGeneral, or as part of the relatedItem metadata in 20.a relatedItemType).
You can already use this value when registering a DOI in DataCite Fabrica or via the REST API, so if your organization is a DataCite member or part of a consortium you can get started with registering DOIs for instruments!
The schema also includes a relationType pair: IsCollectedBy
- which may be used to indicate the relationship between a dataset and an instrument that is used to collect, measure, obtain, or observe data (as in, dataset A is IsCollectedBy instrument B) and Collects
- which may be used to indicate the relationship between an instrument and where it has been used to collect, measure, obtain, or observe data (as in, instrument A collects dataset B)
Please see the relevant sections of the DataCite Metadata Schema documentation below:
Updated about 1 month ago