Works in DataCite Commons
Search Works
Use the Works tab in DataCite Commons to search through the metadata catalogue of all DataCite DOIs in Findable state as well as a large number of Crossref DOI metadata. To start, enter a search term in the search bar at the top of the page.
The results list can be modified using the following filters:
- Creators & Contributors
- Publication Year
- Work Type (using the DataCite ResourceTypeGeneral controlled List)
- License (using the SPDX controlled vocabulary)
- Language (using the ISO639-1 controlled vocabulary)
- Registration Agency (one of the eight DOI Registration Agencies for scholarly content)
Search queries
Queries by default search the DOI, relatedIdentifier, title, creator, publisher, description, and subject fields. Using advanced queries, specific fields can also be queried as well, e.g. Some of the advanced features are described with examples in the Querying DataCite Commons documentation.
The DOI record
The full DOI record includes information from the metadata file including the title, resource type and language. There are up to 5 tabs which contain information about the description, other identifiers, creators, contributors and registration.
On the left panel the "Add to ORCID Record" button appears at the top. Click here to claim the DOI record and link it to your ORCID profile. The "Download Metadata" button also appears on the left. Click here to download the full metadata record in DataCite XML, DataCite JSON,, JSON LD or to retrieve the citation in Citeproc JSON, Bibtex and RIS formats. Crossref DOIs with Open Access content available via the Unpaywall API will display a link to the fulltext article.
A note on ORCID Claiming
To manually link a DOI record to an ORCID record, you must be logged into DataCite Commons with your DataCite Profiles account. Click on the "Add to ORCID Record" button that appears in the DOI record. Refer to the ORCID Claiming documentation for more information.
Information about the relevant Creative Commons licenses is also displayed at the top. Click on the license icon to link to the corresponding Creative Commons license page.
Views, Downloads and Citations
For works where the hosting repository has submitted usage reports to DataCite, monthly unique views and downloads are displayed at the top of the DOI record. Citations related to the DOI are also displayed at the top.
A citation will only appear in the DOI record if the DOI metadata includes the relatedIdentifier following the guidelines outlined in the citations and references documentation.
Aggregated information about the Publication Year, Work Types and Licenses of the related references and citations is displayed at the bottom of the full DOI record.
DOI connections indexing
Depending on system load, DOI connections, like citations, references, and parts, may not appear immediately in Commons when DataCite DOI metadata is updated or created. If expected DOI connections do not appear 24 hours after a DOI is created or updated, please reach out to [email protected]
Creators and contributors display
There is an upper limit of 20 creators or contributors that can be displayed in DataCite Commons for a DOI record. Some records have very large numbers of creators/contributors, so it is necessary to set a limit for display purposes.
The full metadata record can be downloaded in JSON and XML or retrieved via our API.
Updated 5 months ago