Transfer DOIs Between Repositories
Members are able to transfer DOIs between their Repositories. As a Member, you can only transfer DOIs to a Repository you manage. Please contact us if you want to transfer the DOI to a Repository not managed by you.
Transfer a single DOI
Navigate to the record for the DOI you would like to transfer. Click the Transfer DOI button in the upper left to begin the process.

On the Transfer DOI screen, use the dropdown box to select the Repository to which this DOI should be transferred. Click the Transfer button to complete the transfer.

Transfer all DOIs from one Repository to another
Go to the Repositories tab of the Member dashboard. Select the Repository from whom you'd like to transfer DOIs. You are now viewing the Repository dashboard, but with special Member privileges.
Go to the DOIs tab of the Repository dashboard. You will see the list of all DOIs managed by that Repsoitory. Click the Transfer button in the upper left to begin the transfer of all of that Repository's DOIs.

On the Transfer DOI screen, use the dropdown box to select the Repository to which these DOIs should be transferred. Click the Transfer button to initiate the DOI transfer.

The final screen will provide you with an estimate of the amount of time it will take for the transfer to complete.
Transfer DOIs to multiple Repositories
If you want to transfer DOIs to multiple Repositories, you can either transfer each DOI individually, or contact DataCite to manually complete the transfer for you.
Would you like to know more?
If you have any questions, requests or ideas please contact us!
Updated about 1 year ago