Integrations from Registered Service Providers

Below is a list of software system integrations developed/supported by )DataCite Registered Service Providers. Registered Service Providers meet requirements and follow best practices to ensure that their integrations register DOIs correctly and support creation of high-quality metadata.

Other DataCite integrations exist, but their developers have not yet registered as service providers, so we cannot assure that they meet best practices. If you don't see a system that you use listed here, please encourage your vendor to become a registered service provider.

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You will have to become a DataCite Member or join as part of a Consortium in order to register DOIs. Learn more about membership options here:

Repository platform integrations


CKAN is an open-source DMS (data management system) for powering data hubs and data portals. CKAN makes it easy to publish, share and use data, powering hundreds of data portals worldwide.

CKAN has over 250 community extensions. The ckanext-doi extension, developed by the Natural History Museum, enables DataCite DOI registration.


Registered service provider: Natural History Museum, London


The Dataverse Project is an open source web application to share, preserve, cite, explore, and analyze research data. It facilitates making data available to others and allows you to replicate others' work more easily. Researchers, data authors, publishers, data distributors, and affiliated institutions all receive academic credit and web visibility. A Dataverse repository is the software installation, which then hosts multiple virtual archives called Dataverse collections.

Documentation: You can configure your installation following this guide:

Registered service provider: Dataverse Project


dLibra is the first Polish system for building digital libraries, which has been developed by the Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center (PSNC) since 1999. An institution can use dLibra to easily create a repository with a website where it can publish digital objects of various types, described with rich metadata. The dLibra digital library system is a set of tools which make it possible to:

  • store digital objects of various types (for example, scientific articles, reports, guides, HTML pages, PDF documents, audio/video recordings, 3D objects);
  • manage digital objects in a digital library (for example, modify documents, group documents, assign documents to thematic categories, manage users’ rights to documents);
  • share digital objects stored in a library (for example, browse documents through a website, search them, protect them against copying, make them temporarily available);
  • manage a digital library (for example, create digital library user groups, assign rights to users).

dLibra enables creating professional repositories of digital documents and sharing them with other people and systems on the Internet. Data exchange is based on generally accepted standards and protocols such as RSS, RDF, MARC, DublinCore, IIIF or OAI-PMH. Digital repositories based on dLibra offer their users many powerful possibilities such as searching the content of the collected resources, searching bibliographic descriptions using synonyms dictionary, grouping digital publications and navigating their structure or precise and extensive ability to define rules for access to resources.


Registered service provider: Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center


DSpace is an open source software platform to create repositories. It enables organizations to:

  • capture and describe digital material using a submission workflow module, or a variety of programmatic ingest options
  • distribute an organisation's digital assets over the web through a search and retrieval system
  • preserve digital assets over the long term.


Registered service providers: The Library Code GmbH; 4Science; Atmire; eScire


EPrints is an open-source digital repository platform. First developed at the University of Southampton over 20 years ago, EPrints is supported by a community of service providers and open-source contributors.

EPrints is used by both higher education and research institutions, as well as heritage and commercial organisations. As a highly configurable data management system, EPrints is used to hold a wide array of different digital objects, predominantly research outputs, but also educational materials, datasets, software, and multimedia resources.


Registered service provider: CoSector, University of London


Figshare is a web-based repository interface designed for academic research data management and research data dissemination. It accepts all file types (with in-browser viewing). Figshare enables academics to upload, share, cite and importantly discover all manner of research outputs with the security of knowing our hosting options and platform support long term preservation of data. In addition to its free service for individuals, Figshare also offers repository solutions for publishers and institutions.


Registered service provider: Figshare


InvenioRDM is a turn-key research data management platform with an intuitive user experience and high scalability. InvenioRDM is the underlying technical platform for and enables everyone to share and preserve their research outputs. InvenioRDM adapts to your needs and integrates well into your existing institutional infrastructure.

Documentation: DOI registration:

Registered service provider:: InvenioRDM

Omeka S

Omeka S is a next-generation web publishing platform for institutions interested in connecting digital cultural heritage collections with other resources online. Users can create a local network of independently curated exhibits sharing a collaboratively built pool of items and their metadata, including DOIs.

Documentation: DataCite configuration:

Registered service provider: Omeka

Open Journal Systems (OJS)

Open Journal Systems (OJS) is a journal management and publishing system that has been developed by the Public Knowledge Project through its federally funded efforts to expand and improve access to research.

Documentation: OJS supports DOIs for issues, articles, galleries and supplementary files:

Registered service provider: eScire


Redivis is a data platform designed for academic research.

With Redivis, data managers curate rich, version controlled datasets of various security profiles, and distribute these datasets to their research community.

In turn, researchers use Redivis to easily find and understand the data that is relevant to their research, and to perform robust, reproducible analyses within a collaborative and high-performance environment.


Registered service provider: Redivis


RSpace is a digital research platform comprised of four components: an electronic lab notebook integrated with a sample management system, an ecosystem of connected research tools and resources, and a set of APIs enabling extensibility. RSpace is designed around openness, connectivity and extensibility, and will transition to open source in Q1 2024.


Registered service provider: Research Space

CRIS system integrations

Ex Libris Esploro

With Esploro, Clarivate's research information management solution, it is easy to showcase faculty work and find subject matter experts to enhance collaborations, attract talented researchers, and boost the institution’s reputation. Move beyond the traditional repository and maximize the impact of your institution’s research. The Esploro research information hub is a centralized showcase that captures publications, activities and other information. It provides an accurate and comprehensive picture of scholarly work and streamlines research workflows.


Registered service provider: Ex Libris (Part of Clarivate)


Omega-PSIR is a fully functional CRIS system. It provides the university management with a complete view of research achievements of the university, and reports the achievements to the national authorities in Poland.

Documentation: Omega-PSIR DataCite documentation:

Registered service provider: Sages sp. z. o. o.


Pure aggregates organization's research information from numerous internal and external sources. It is a centralized system that builds reports, carry out performance assessments, manage researcher profiles, enable research networking and expertise discovery and more.

Registered service provider: Pure (Elsevier)


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