What are the API error codes?
Below is a list of error codes generated by the DataCite APIs and few hints to help with debugging.
Common Issues
- Wrong endpoint - check if the endpoint is for test or production
- Bad credentials - always use a repository account to register DOIs
- Incorrectly formatted metadata - (see DataCite Metadata Schema for required fields and API reference for fields supported in JSON
Error codes and possible solutions
Error code | Message | Possible Solution |
400 | Bad Request | Check the docs again and try to reproduce. |
401 | Bad credentials. | Unauthorized - Check your password. |
403 | You are not authorized to access this resource. | Forbidden - Check your password or validate that you are updating a DOI/prefix/repository you have permissions for. |
404 | The resource you are looking for doesn't exist. | Not Found - The resource is not found e.g. fetching a DOI/Repository/Member details. May also indicate an issue with credentials. Check your username and password. |
405 | Method Not Allowed | The http method on the request made is not supported. Check documentation. |
422 | Unprocessable Entity | Check the contents of your request, the system understood but it was unable to process it. For a DOI update this might be invalid URL or metadata is invalid. |
500 | Internal Server Error | Try to reproduce and report steps that caused it. |
502 | Bad Gateway | Most likely a temporary issue, try again |
503 | Service Unavailable | Check our status page status.datacite.org. |
504 | Gateway Timeout | Check our status page/releases status.datacite.org. |
Updated 12 months ago